GLOCALIZATION Global and local converged into the single word “glocal”. Global and local can be regarded as two sides of the same coin. Mont Blanc Consulting BV is often contracted in uncertain times. Clients talk to us when information is difficult to get, insights are scarce. We are involved when decisions need to be made that have major consequences, for our clients employees, their organizations, and the countries in which they operate. Mont Blanc is there for clients who want a truly global perspective. But we do operate local, because local is where every company begins. It is Mont Blanc global view highlights what is working, what needs to be improved. Our partners global future will only be achieved by succeeding locally first. Team Mont Blanc showed successes by thinking global, acting local in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Baltic States, Russian Federation and other CIS countries, People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan ROC, Singapore, Japan and North-America.